Looking to Improve Your Skills, Change Your Career, or Start a Small Business?
The Library District Provides FREE Training, Resources, Career Guidance & Small Business Support
Jobtimize The Library District is a proud partner with Vegas PBS in a joint effort to bolster Southern Nevada’s workforce by using Jobtimize Nevada to help students and under/unemployed adults get matched with the right careers and employers.
Adult Learning Program. Whether you’re looking to explore a new career, sharpen your computer skills, earn a high school diploma, or learn English, the Library District provides a range of options to help you pursue your goals.
EmployNV Career Hubs. Inside a career hub, you can get help with skills assessment, workforce training and readiness, financial aid, resume writing, interview coaching, connections to local employers, and so much more. Combined with the many career support programs already offered by the Library District, you will receive the career assistance you need, all under one roof.
EmployNV Business Hub. Small business is the driver of our Nevada economy. Whether you want to start or maintain a small business, you will find the career advice, resources, and planning and financial assistance that you need, all available at the Sahara West Library, and all for free.
Technology & Business Services. Enjoy access to computer labs, iPads, printers, fax services, FREE WiFi and more that help give local small businesses the essential tools they need to succeed.
Meeting Room Rentals. The Library District offers reasonable rental rates for conference rooms and meeting rooms with a reduced maximum capacity to ensure proper social distancing.