In alignment with its mission to be a place that brings the community together to share information, attend programs, experience personal enrichment, and connect with one another, the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District permits the public to use library venues.
Venues shall primarily serve Library District programming. Thereafter, they may be reserved by customers for public/private events on a first-come, first-served basis. The Library District does not discriminate in making its venues available for use on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. The Library District makes venues available on equitable terms to all persons and groups, regardless of opinion or affiliation. Library venues exist to serve the individual lawful use and interest of any customer.
1. Must be at least 18 years of age to engage in partnership use or reservation of a venue.
2. The Library District shall have priority use of Library District venues and reserves the right to preempt any program or event. If a cancellation occurs, the Library District will make a reasonable effort to provide ample notice and assist the group in securing another Library District venue. If an alternative accommodation cannot be arranged, any and all rental fees shall be returned in full and there shall be no further liability of the Library District to the customer.
3. Partnerships: The Library District provides opportunities for in-kind use of its venues pending review and approval of a partnership application. Applications shall be evaluated on the following criteria:
a. Alignment with the Library District mission and strategic plan initiatives
b. Free and open to the public, on a first-come, first-served basis
c. In good financial standing with the Library District
d. Planned with adequate advanced notice e. Devoid of unauthorized selling or solicitation
f. Usage matches venue availability
g. Program is structured and led by an expert or credentialed entity
h. Provides substantial value to the community
4. Rentals: The Library District provides customers the option to rent and use venues independent of Library District partnerships. A complete list of venues available to rent can be found on the Library District website. Rental fees for usage are outlined in the Venue Fee Schedule.
5. Programs that take place outside of regular library hours are required to have no less than two library staff and one security guard. Staffing will be provided at the expense of the customer in accordance with the Venue Fee Schedule.
6. Any customer who receives a request for accommodation under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act shall refer the request to Library District staff. Please allow five business days for sign language interpreter requests to ensure availability. The Library District will make arrangements to provide services at the expense of the customer in accordance with the Venue Fee Schedule.
7. Customers with unpaid fees are restricted from reserving and using library venues until outstanding balances are paid in full. The Library District reserves the right to cancel future reservations and/or turn over outstanding balances to a collection agency.
8. Any rental customer using Library District venues is expressly prohibited from using the Library District name or the names of the individual facilities in any way other than to specify the location of the activity.
The views expressed and other information presented by a customer or group in connection with the rental or partnership use of a Library District venue are solely those of the user individual/group. The Library District’s decision to rent a venue to a particular individual or group, or to partner with an individual or group for the presentation of a program, shall not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or approval of the user’s views, opinions, products, or services. The Library District specifically disclaims any liability or legal responsibility for the content of a venue user’s activity, including but not limited to its accuracy, bias, completeness, or usefulness.
Any rental customer of a Library District venue who markets an event intended to attract the general public must provide a disclaimer on all promotional materials. This includes all communications, including but not limited to: flyers, posters, web pages, graphics, social media, public notices, press releases, digital advertising, box office promotions, interviews, and public service announcements.
Language must be used on all promotional materials in a manner that clearly identifies usage is not a library sponsored or library-generated event.
The following language must be included on all communications and promotional materials: This program is not a Library District event.
The views expressed and other information presented are solely those of the producing entity.
If separation between the customer and the Library District is not clearly distinguished, the Library District may terminate any existing contract, agreement, or Memorandum of Understanding, and/or trespass any rental user or associated group from future venue usage.
9. The distribution and/or consumption of alcohol is prohibited on all Library District premises without express written authorization from the Library District. Red wine and other liquids with red dye (i.e., fruit punch) are not permitted in carpeted venues as spill accidents cause permanent damage. All requests for alcohol must be submitted in writing at least 14 days prior to the event.
10. Use of simulated weapons, simulated drug paraphernalia, open flames, strobe lights, or adult themes are prohibited on Library District premises without express written authorization from the Library District. All requests must be submitted in writing at least 14 days prior to the event. Adult themes are defined as topics considered mature or inappropriate for children and may include:
a. Strong or offensive language or imagery
b. Discriminatory themes or language
c. Nudity
d. Sex
e. Violence
f. Substance use or abuse
g. Suicide or other traumatic themes
11. Customers using a venue for an event involving minors (exclusive of audience members) are required to have at minimum two qualified adult chaperones including:
a. One adult for every 10 children, for ages 0-5
b. One adult for every 12 children, for ages 6-11
c. One adult for every 15 children, for ages 12-17 Chaperones must supervise and accompany minors to ensure their safety and proper behavior.
12. The customer shall be solely responsible for any fees, rights, royalties, licenses, or any other applicable monies and contracts payable to any and all publishing companies, licensers, or representatives of any work or program presented by the customer during the use of a Library District venue unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
13. Customers must comply with the following:
a. All Library District policies including the Library Rules of Conduct and Venue Use Policy
b. Library District Performing Arts Center License Agreement (for Performing Arts Center rentals only)
c. Must not disrupt or impede public access to library services or materials
d. Must not engage in any activity that would cause concern for the health, safety, and well-being of Library District customers, buildings, or premises
e. Southern Nevada Health District policies and regulations. Kitchenettes and other food service areas do not have permits for uncatered food preparation and distribution.
f. Applicable federal, state, and local laws
14. The Library District reserves the right to deny access, cancel partnership agreements, and revoke venue use privileges and future reservations for up to one year of any individual and/or group that does not comply with the Venue Use Policy. Compliance determination shall be made by the sole discretion of Library District staff.
Adopted by the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District Board of Trustees on June 13, 2024, effective January 1, 2025.