Policies & Procedures for Borrowing Libraries

The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District (LVCCLD) attempts to make as many of its resources as possible available to other libraries.

ILL Code for Borrowing Libraries

The Las Vegas - Clark County Library District observes the provisions of the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States for transactions outside the state of Nevada as well as current regional agreements and protocols within the state.

Request acceptance

The Interlibrary Loan office accepts ILL requests made via

  • OCLC (our symbol is NVC)
  • ALA ILL Form sent by email, fax, or mail

The Interlibrary Loan office does not accept telephone requests.

Material not loaned on ILL

The Interlibrary Loan office will loan any materials not currently checked out from our circulating collection, with these exceptions

  • Reference
  • Audio/visual materials
  • Microfilm
  • Individual periodical issues

Loans may also be restricted due to local demand, physical condition, or irreplaceability. To check on material availability, please see the online catalog.


  • Loans
  • No charge for loan of materials or photocopies


The Interlibrary Loan office ships materials by the United States Post Office. Should a requesting library want the material shipped with any other carrier, they will need to provide us with a FED-EX or UPS prepaid/account number.

Loan Period

Materials check out for 6 weeks from the date shipped. Renewals of three weeks may be given if there is not a hold pending.

Damaged and lost materials

The loaned item becomes the responsibility of the borrowing library from the time it is sent out until it is returned to LVCCLD.

Charges to other libraries for materials not returned or damaged include a $5.00 processing fee in addition to the cost of replacing each item.

Check or money order made payable to "LVCCLD".

Contact Information

Interlibrary Loan 702.507.6306 or email ill@thelibrarydistrict.org

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