EmployNV Career Hub

Need help finding your first job or a new career?
As part of our mission to continually expand our services, the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District has partnered with Workforce Connections to establish their EmployNV Career Hubs in five of our community libraries.
Inside an EmployNV Career Hub, you can find help with skills assessment, workforce training and readiness, financial aid, computer access and digital literacy, resume writing, interview coaching, connections to local employers, and so much more. Combined with the many career support programs already offered by the Library District, you are sure to get whatever career assistance you need, all under one roof.
We have resources for career changes, veterans, entry-level workers, laid-off workers, workers with disabilities, workers with criminal justice records, as well as support for small businesses and entrepreneurs. EmployNV service support is available weekdays and weekends. Please call your nearest location to confirm availability and make an appointment for a consultation.
Free services include:
Employment search | Skills assessment | Job experiences |
Job training | Employment Services | Job readiness & education workshops |
Success is just One-Stop away!
EmployNV Business Hub

Learn About Free Services to Help Your Business Recover & Grow
Employers need assistance during these challenging economic times and help is now available through the EmployNV Business Hub, which is located at Sahara West Library.
The EmployNV Business Hub is designed to connect employers to free resources and help them create a plan for the future. Through these doors, employers will find easy access to the public workforce development system, which provides a wide range of tools, training, and funding through federal programs. The Hubs are staffed with experts who know how to help employers navigate this system and unlock resources that many people are not aware of.
The EmployNV Business Hubs are a coordinated effort between Workforce Connections, DETR, the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, the Vegas Chamber, and the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District.
How The Business Hub Can Help
The EmployNV Business Hub is an impressive 2,650 square-foot multi-functional space located adjacent to the library’s art gallery. This dynamic business hub features conference spaces equipped with the latest technology; computers and WiFi for small business owners or start-ups; plus several unique areas to host employer and industry networking events and workshops.

Best of all, as soon as you enter the EmployNV Business Hub, you will be greeted by trained, on-site staff, who will talk with you about your needs and guide you to the resources that you need.
The sole purpose of this state-of-the-art space is to help local employers access a myriad of no-cost solutions offered through the publicly-funded workforce development system.
The Sahara West EmployNV Business Hub has bilingual staff who can assist Spanish-speaking customers.
Walk-ins are welcome and we are open 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. However, if you are looking for information about starting a business, please schedule an appointment by visiting the SBDC website www.Nevadasbdc.org, opens a new window.
Sahara West Library Welcomes EmployNV Business Hub!
Open Monday - Friday
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Contact The EmployNV Business Hub
Email: info@EmployNVBusinessHub.org
Phone: 702-486-0129
Workforce Services:
- Work-ready talent pools
- Employee training programs
- Financial incentives for training Nevadans
- Financial incentives for providing work experience for youth
- Just in time training via community college / post-secondary education
- Connect to current and future K-12 career pipelines
Business Services:
- Employer Job Postings
- Financial Incentives for hiring Nevadans
- Customized recruitment campaigns
- Specialized hiring needs
- Assistance with layoffs or closures
- Unemployment employer services
- Labor market information
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Business & Industry:
- Planning and counseling services
- A step-by-step guide to starting a business in Nevada
- State, local, and occupational licensing
- Funding resources
- Workplace poster requirements
- Free training events
EmployNV Youth Hub

Employment & Educational Programs Offered in a Convenient and Teen-Friendly Atmosphere
The first full-scale EmployNV Youth Hub & Teen Zone in Southern Nevada is now open inside the West Charleston Library. The nearly 2,500-square-foot hub and teen zone are a partnership between Workforce Connections and the Library District and will allow teens and young adults to access a variety of no-cost employment and education programs.
The EmployNV Youth Hub offers a comfortable and colorful space where teens and young adults ages 16 to 24 can find help with employment, paid training, internships, pre-apprenticeships, mentoring, and other educational opportunities. The hub is staffed with professional career coaches experienced in working with out-of-school and in-school youth who may face employment barriers or need guidance in finding a successful career path. The EmployNV Youth Hub will also offer teen-friendly, high-tech learning tools like virtual reality (VR) headsets that give young adults an immersive look at in-demand careers.
The library’s adjacent Teen Zone offers teens and tweens ages 12 to 18 a dedicated lounge area with meeting tables, an 85” TV, and couches, perfect for hanging out, studying, or playing the latest video games on Xbox, PS5, and Nintendo Switch. Additional activities include a range of fun learning opportunities such as anime clubs, chess clubs, game tournaments, and much more. The Teen Zone is also equipped with virtual reality (VR) headsets, provided through the Nevada Career Explorer program, that enables teens to learn about careers in healthcare, advanced manufacturing, IT, logistics, and skilled trades.
To learn more about the EmployNV Youth Hub, please call 702.602.5199 or visit EmployNVYouthHub.org.
Open Monday - Friday
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Contact the EmployNV Youth Hub:
Call: 702.602.5199
Visit: EmployNVYouthHub.org
EmployNV Youth Hub:
- For Teens & Young Adults Ages 16-24
- Help with Employment
- Paid Training Opportunities
- Internships & Pre-Apprenticeships
- Mentoring
- Educational Opportunities
Teen Zone:
- For Tweens & Teens Ages 12-18
- Lounge with TV & Gaming Systems
- Study Areas
- VR Headsets with Nevada Career Explorer