Discover Personalized Career Guidance with Jobtimize
The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District is a proud partner with Vegas PBS in a joint effort to bolster Southern Nevada’s workforce by using Jobtimize Nevada to help students and under/unemployed adults get matched with the right careers and employers.
Jobtimize connects jobseekers, agencies, and employers in a single, integrated marketplace. At the center is a matching engine, which links people with opportunities based on overall job "fit" first, because fit is the most statistically valid predictor of job success for both the individual and the employer.
Follow these steps to get started with Jobtimize today:
- Click this link to sign up for Jobtimize
- Upload your resume and build a profile that is attractive to employers.
- Take the Job Fit Assessment and Interests Inventory to learn about possible career matches.
- Get detailed insight and reports that guide you on the right track.
- Download your “Career Planning Report” and target your training.
- And like everything else at the library, it’s all free to use!
Employ NV Career & Business Hubs
Discover all that Employ NV has to offer to those looking for employment, supporting their small business, or just starting their careers!
Business & Career Success
Looking to improve your skills, change your career, or start a small business? The Library District provides access to FREE resources.
Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search
Take this instructor-led course & learn how to identify the job that is the best fit for you.
Employ NV Career & Business Hubs
Discover all that Employ NV has to offer to those looking for employment, supporting their small business, or just starting their careers!
Business & Career Success
Looking to improve your skills, change your career, or start a small business? The Library District provides access to FREE resources.
Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search
Take this instructor-led course & learn how to identify the job that is the best fit for you.